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Using Firebase With Bloc Pattern In Flutter

In this guide we will see how we can use both Firebase Authentication and Cloud Firestore with the Bloc Pattern.


Using Bloc Pattern In Flutter

In this guide, we will learn about the Bloc Design Pattern and how to use it in a Flutter application. We will show an example of using both Cubit and...


How to Model your Firebase Data Class In Flutter

In this article, we will use Cloud Firestore in a Flutter application, in which we will create a simple application to show how to model our data class so we...


Using Sliver Widgets In Flutter

In this article, we will learn about the Sliver Widgets and how to use them in a Flutter application.

Using Animations In Flutter

In this article, we will learn about the implicit and explicit animations that are used in Flutter applications and give examples about them.

Using CustomPaint In Flutter

In this article, we will explain what is CustomPaint widget, check different shapes that can be created and give an example on how to use it in a Flutter application....